

  • Qmail Core
    When updating the Qmail core, say to apply a new version of John Simpson's Combined Patch, be sure to stop all the Qmail services, including SMTP servers, before running make setup check. Otherwise, you'll run into errors as it tries to replace programs that are currently running.
  • vpopmail



qmailtap allows system administrators to archive email messages going to or from particular domains or users. The patch is included in John Simpson's Combined Patch.

Tap control file
Any taps should go into /var/qmail/control/taps
"Tap" an individual address


Tap an entire domain




Qmail includes maildir2mbox for converting a Maildir to mbox format.


Nagios Monitoring

Nagios has many useful plugins for monitoring this qmail server.

Prerequisites for Monitoring With Nagios
These instructions assume that you have a Nagios server already set up similar to the instructions on this site.


IP Address Change

Changing the IP address of your mail server is more complicated than just modifying the network card settings. There's a few other places where the address needs to be changed.

Change the IP address in /service/dnscache/env/IP, then restart the service (svc -t /service/dnscache).

The run scripts for your SMTP service(s) need to be modified to reflect the new IP address you want them to listen on. Depending on which services you've enabled, you might need to edit:


The IMAP server setting in your webmail configuration will need to be updated.



Mirror/backup your vpopmail domains to another Qmail server. Run it through cron and have a hot-backup server ready for action in case your main server crashes.

To mirror the entire /home/vpopmail structure, on the destination server:

rsync -avx --delete -e ssh root@<source_server>:/home/vpopmail /home/

To mirror just a domain, on the destination server::

rsync -avx --delete -e ssh root@<source_server>:/home/vpopmail/domains/<domain> /home/vpopmail/domains

Instructions for setting up public keys so rsync won't require a password.

Automate using cron



Maintenance tips for keeping your mail server running.



The original plugin is from http://www.openfusion.com.au/labs/nagios/
Download the check plugin:

cd /usr/local/nagios/libexec
wget http://www.dwadson.com/files/nagios/check_qmailq
chmod ugo+x check_qmailq

The check command takes the syntax of check_qmailq -w count -c count [-W pre_count] [-C pre_count] [-q /path/to/qmail-qstat]. The warning and critical message counts can be adjusted to your preference. Edit /usr/local/nagios/etc/nrpe.cfg and add entries for the services you want to check, such as:



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