
Simscan is a simple program that enables the qmail smtpd service to reject viruses, spam, and block attachments during the SMTP conversation so the processing load on the email system is kept to a minimum.

Revised to use a fork of Simscan, as Inter7 hasn't updated Simscan since 2007. The fork has a variety of fixes for DSPAM.

In order to scan attachments, SimScan requires RipMIME to be installed:

cd /extra/src
tar zxf ripmime-
cd ripmime-

There's a permissions issue with than can be solved with a patch:

patch < ripmime-

Then build and install ripMIME

make install

SimScan installation
At the time of writing, the current version of SimScan was 1.4. Download and unpack the source code. This is a fork of the original Simcan 1.4.0 with bugfixes and changes to DSPAM support.

cd /extra/src
wget -O 
cd simscan-master

There's a couple patches by John Simpson to fix a few issues with SimScan. Download and apply them:

## Combined patch does not apply to this forked simscan
## Fails on the ClamAV patch
#patch < simscan-1.4.0-combined.3.patch

Downloaded the separate patches:


Bug is this patch - doesn't find daily.cvd in configure file - patch looking for daily.cvd and main.cvd in simscanmk.c:

patch < simscan-1.4.0-clamav.3.patch

patch < simscan-1.4.0-umask.patch

patch < simscan-1.4.0-debug.patch

simscan.c in the fork had a line removed from the dspam args that prevented it from being called correctly. Modify it by line 1151 to add the dspamc argument:

  dspam_args[i++] = "dspamc";
  dspam_args[i++] = "--stdout";
  dspam_args[i++] = "--client";
  dspam_args[i++] = "--feature=noise";
  dspam_args[i++] = "--deliver=innocent";

Create a user and group for SimScan to run as:

groupadd simscan
useradd -g simscan -s /bin/false -c "SimScan Content Filter" simscan

Create a "go" file to hold the configuration options (in case we need to recall them later). Then, put the following into that file:

  • Spamassassin

    ./configure \
    --enable-user=simscan \
    --enable-clamav=y \
    --enable-clamdscan=/usr/local/bin/clamdscan \
    --enable-custom-smtp-reject=y \
    --enable-attach=y \
    --enable-received=y \
    --enable-per-domain=y \
    --enable-ripmime=/usr/local/bin/ripmime \
    --enable-spam=y \
    --enable-spamc=/usr/bin/spamc \
    --enable-spam-hits=10 \
  • dspam
    ./configure \
    --enable-user=simscan \
    --enable-clamav=y \
    --enable-clamdscan=/usr/local/bin/clamdscan \
    --enable-custom-smtp-reject=y \
    --enable-attach=y \
    --enable-received=y \
    --enable-per-domain=y \
    --enable-ripmime=/usr/local/bin/ripmime \
    --enable-dspam=y \
    --enable-dspam-user=y \
    --enable-dspam-args="--deliver=innocent --debug"

Make "go" executable and then run it to configure SimScan:

chmod ugo+x go

If it compiles ok, make and install the programs:

make install-strip

In order for ClamAV to be able to work with the temp files in /var/qmail/simscan, we need to make some permission changes and add clamav to the simscan group:

chgrp simscan /var/qmail/simscan
chmod g+s /var/qmail/simscan
usermod -a -G simscan clamav

The AllowSupplementaryGroups option in /usr/local/etc/clamd.conf must also be set and ClamAV restarted:

AllowSupplementaryGroups yes
svc -t /service/clamav

Attachment Blocking
ssattach is ignored when Simscan is compiled with --enable-per-domain. Create a text file, /var/qmail/control/ssattach, that contains a list of the attachment types that you want to block. The following list is a good start but might need to be modified to suit your particular needs:


By compiling with --enable-per-domain=y, we can fine-tune scanning on a domain or email address basis. Create the control file /var/qmail/control/simcontrol and put in it a default entry:


A couple other examples for a domain or an email address would look like:,spam=no,,spam=yes,attach=.mp3

Once you've created the file, create the necessary CDB file:


SMTP run script
Edit your SMTP service's run script (eg. /service/smtp-external/run) to enable Simscan by uncommenting the relevant lines:


still need to update this for John Simpson's clamav patch...
In order to have the message headers indicate the correct version of ClamAVs database, simscan's version database needs to be updated when Freshclam updates the definitions. John Simpson has provide a nice program that does that.

cd /extra/src
gcc -s -o /usr/local/sbin/update-simscan update-simscan.c
chown root:simscan /usr/local/sbin/update-simscan
chmod 4110 /usr/local/sbin/update-simscan

Adjust /usr/local/etc/freshclam.conf to run update-simscan when it updates the definitions and allow supplementary group access:

OnUpdateExecute /usr/local/sbin/update-simscan
AllowSupplementaryGroups yes

Then restart FreshClam to load the change:

svc -t /service/freshclam

Other Patches


Various bits of code, scripts, and procedures were put together with information from John Simpson's website. It's an excellent resource on managing and setting up a Qmail server.

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  • 1 year 12 months ago
  • 1 year 12 months ago
    php 8.x
  • 2 years 8 hours ago
  • 2 years 1 day ago
    Drop Centos 5/6 stuff