
A utility to make the logs generated by multilog and daemontools easier to read and archive.

In order to get some nicer logs from our daemontool services, we'll use some of John Simpson's convert-multilog script to automatically clean them up and put daily log files into "/var/log".
I have written a program called convert-multilog which finds the log files created by multilog, converts their timestamps to a human-readable format, and adds them to log files in "/var/log" whose filenames are the service plus the date (i.e. all "/service/qmail-send/log/main/@*" files are combined into /var/log/qmail-send.YYYY-MM-DD.)
Install Perl module:

yum install perl-Sys-Syslog

Download and install the script:

cd /usr/local/sbin
chmod 755 convert-multilog

Along with the required, also written by John Simpson:

cd /usr/local/lib
chmod 644

Create a cron job to periodically run convert-multilog:

  • Add a file to /etc/cron.d which will periodically convert the log files:

    cd /etc/cron.d
    echo '7 * * * *  root /usr/local/sbin/convert-multilog >/dev/null 2>&1'  > multilog
    chmod 644 multilog
    touch /etc/crontab
  • or, on systems that don't have a /etc/cron.d directory (such as *BSD), edit crontab (crontab -e) and create an entry:
    7 * * * *  root /usr/local/sbin/convert-multilog

Archiving the Log Files
John's script does a great job of making the logs more readable. However, the log files tend to accumulate. While you could just delete your old log files, in case you want or need to archive them here is an archiving script which can be run at the beginning of a new month to collect and compress the previous month's log files:

cd /usr/local/bin
chmod ugo+x

Create a cron entry to archive each month:

cd /etc/cron.d
echo '0 0 1 * *  root /usr/local/bin/'  > monthlyLogArchive
chmod 644 monthlyLogArchive
touch /etc/crontab

Purging old log files
John Simpson wrote a delbut script for deleting "all but" the latest versions of a file.


Various bits of code, scripts, and procedures were put together with information from John Simpson's website. It's an excellent resource on managing and setting up a Qmail server.

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