Customize Terminal

Hate how OS X's doesn't respond to page-up, page-down and other keystrokes the same way a Linux shell does? Here's how to tweak it.

Window Settings -> Keyboard

Page Up/Down
Select Page Down and click the Edit button. Change the Action to send string to shell. The \033 is entered by pressing the ESC key. The string to enter is:

\033[6~    (page down)
\033[5~    (page up)

Beginning and end-of-line

\033[1~   (beginning-of-line)
\033[4~   (end-of-line)

Forward/Back a word
Edit both ~/.inputrc and Terminal preferences to get this to work in Vim.

\033f      (forward-word)
\033b      (backward-word)

Tune Terminal in OS X Lion


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