Sieve Plugins for Squirrelmail

Avelsieve or Sieve Mail Filters Plugin for SquirrelMail is a ​Squirrelmail ​plugin for creating ​Sieve scripts on a Sieve-compliant mail server.

Download the latest source:

cd /extra/src
tar zxf avelsieve-1.9.9.tar.gz

Move the plugin to the SquirrelMail plugin folder:

mv avelsieve /var/websites/mail/htdocs/squirrelmail/plugins/
chown -R nobody:nobody /var/websites/mail/htdocs/squirrelmail/plugins/avelsieve

Copy the sample config file:

cd /var/websites/mail/htdocs/squirrelmail/plugins/avelsieve/config
cp config_sample.php config.php

Then edit config.php and adjust some of the defaults, particularly the ManageSieve port number:

$sieveport = 4190;

Avelsieve has an issue with Dovecot's Managesieve server, and TLS so disable it:

$avelsieve_disabletls = true;

Then run the SquirrelMail config script, /var/websites/mail/htdocs/squirrelmail/config/ and enable the Avelsieve plugin.


Various bits of code, scripts, and procedures were put together with information from John Simpson's website. It's an excellent resource on managing and setting up a Qmail server.

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  • 2 years 3 days ago
  • 2 years 5 days ago
    php 8.x
  • 2 years 6 days ago
  • 2 years 1 week ago
    Drop Centos 5/6 stuff