Server Test Configuration

Create the configuration directory:

mkdir /usr/local/etc/amanda
chown amanda:backup /usr/local/etc/amanda

Basic Tapeless Test Configuration
From the AMANDA Quickstart Guide and Test Environment with Virtual Tapes
Create the configuration directory for our virtual tape test:

mkdir /usr/local/etc/amanda/test
chown amanda:backup /usr/local/etc/amanda/test

Copy a sample configuration file to that directory:

cp /extra/src/amanda-2.6.0p2/example/amanda.conf /usr/local/etc/amanda/test/amanda.conf

Edit /usr/local/etc/amanda/test/amanda.conf. Some of the values will already exist but need to be modified from their defaults while others will be new entries:

org "Your Organization"
mailto ""
dumpcycle 7
runspercycle 5
tapecycle 5
tpchanger "chg-disk"
changerfile "/usr/local/etc/amanda/test/changerfile
labelstr "TEST-.*"
#label_new_tapes "TEST-%%"

infofile "/usr/local/etc/amanda/Test/curinfo"      # database DIRECTORY
logdir   "/usr/local/etc/amanda/Test"              # log directory
indexdir "/usr/local/etc/amanda/Test/index"                # index directory

holdingdisk hd1 {
directory "/space/amandahold/test"

define dumptype comp-tar {
program "GNUTAR"
compress fast
index yes
record no # Important! avoid interfering with production runs

Create some of the directories/files that were defined in amanda.conf:

mkdir -p /space/amandahold
chown amanda:backup /space/amandahold
chmod 750 /space/amandahold
su - amanda
mkdir /space/amandahold/test
mkdir /usr/local/etc/amanda/test
touch /usr/local/etc/amanda/test/tapelist

Create the virtual tapes so that the dumpuser has access to them but not everyone else on the server:

mkdir /space/vtapes
chown amanda:backup /space/vtapes
chmod 750 /space/vtapes
su - amanda
mkdir -p /space/vtapes/test/slots
cd /space/vtapes/test/slots
for i in 1 2 3 4 5; do mkdir slot$i; done
ln -s slot1 data

Verify the virtual tape setup:

su - amanda
amdevcheck test file:/space/vtapes/test/slots

amdevcheck should print "VOLUME_UNLABELED". Label the tapes:

su - amanda
for i in 1 2 3 4 5; do amlabel test TEST-$i slot $i; done

Reset the changer to the first slot again:

su - amanda
amtape test reset

Create a small disklist file with a client:        /var/log   comp-tar

Create a file named .amandahosts in the home directory of the Amanda user:

su - amanda
echo "  amanda" > .amandahosts
chown amanda ~amanda ~/.amandahosts
chmod 755 ~amanda
chmod 600 ~amanda/.amandahosts

Configure the server you added in the disklist as an AMANDA client and then use amcheck to confirm the configuration. Once it's ok, do the first test run:

amdump test

Create the /usr/local/etc/amanda/test/disklist file containing the directories on clients that need to be backed up:  /some/directory  comp-tar

Resetting the environment
After testing the configuration, you may want to remove all the data but you do not want to remove the directories or files themselves:

su - amanda
rm -rf /space/vtapes/test/slots/slot*/*
rm -rf /space/amandahold/test/*
rm -rf /var/lib/amanda/test/*
> /usr/local/etc/amanda/test/tapelist

amlabel the tapes again as above.

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