SquidGuard is a URL redirector used to use blacklists with the proxysoftware Squid. There are two big advantages to squidguard: it is fast and it is free.
cd /extra/source
wget http://softlayer-ams.dl.sourceforge.net/project/mysar/mysar/2.1.4/mysar-2.1.4.tar.gz
tar zxf mysar-2.1.4.tar.gz
mv mysar /usr/local/
Configure your Apache Web Server to point the /mysar/
directory to the local directory /usr/local/mysar/www/
Alias /mysar "/usr/local/mysar/www"
<Directory "/usr/local/mysar/www">
Options None
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
Restart your webserver and then use your web browser to load http://<your server>/mysar
. Follow the provided instructions for installing MySAR. You will need to create the config file, /usr/local/mysar/etc/config.ini
, with the information provided. Once installation is done, remove the MySAR install directory:
rm -rf /usr/local/mysar/www/install
In the MySAR web interface Administration options (http:///mysar/index.php?a=administration), adjust the location the Squid access log:
Add the cron jobs that will automatically parse the Squid log files. On a CentOS machine with /etc/cron.d
, this can be done by linking the included cron.d task which will run every minute:
chmod go-w /usr/local/mysar/etc/mysar.cron
ln -s /usr/local/mysar/etc/mysar.cron /etc/cron.d/mysar
The import scripts expect that the PHP binary will be located in /usr/bin
, if it's not, link it there:
ln -s /usr/local/bin/php /usr/bin/php
Binary Log Importer
cd /usr/local/mysar/bin/mysar-binary-importer
./configure --with-mysql-lib=/usr/local/mysql/lib
make install
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